Wednesday 13 April 2011

Thursday - going home

Here I am in Auckland library, waiting for Mrs Willsy to finish teaching, and then we can go home, back to the lake. On the way, we have to stop off at my sister in laws to fix her computer.  I don’t know what’s wrong with it, but I hope it won’t take long.  I’m over the cold now, but I can’t seem to shake the beat up feeling you get after one though.  We’re going away for a few days this weekend, so I think that should fix it. 

I was just thinking back to the time I got called to the HM’s study to explain a blog I had started before – it had been pointed out to him by another member of the staff, and at that time I had a watch set on my website to record who visited it, so I have a fair idea who it was, and I can’t say I’m at all surprised. (have a look at my previous blogs, and you might be able to see who I’m talking about)  it’s hard not to be a little paranoid when things like the evaporating job happen, you do a lot of looking over your shoulder.  Mind you with the way the boarding house was run after that, with all the petty little rules, and the kids moaning at me nearly every day about how they didn’t like the way it was run, I didn’t have much to worry about.  The fact that this was the kid’s home was lost somewhere in the bureaucracy that was the boarding house in those days. 

Now I believe they have someone who left his last position under a cloud (daren't mention the 'B' word).  That place just goes from bad to worse.

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