Wednesday 18 May 2011

Far Away Friends

It was so good to hear from Cecile, (Alec’s mum).  She really is a lovely lady, and Alec is really at the start of a long successful road I’m sure. Cecile is one of those people that just seem to cheer you up when you meet them, so unassuming, and gracious in every sense of the word.  I really miss all of the people I left behind.  Goodbyes have been so much part of my life, since I joined the Navy, but they never get any easier.

We’re back in Okere Falls for the weekend, after a bit of a road trip through the Coromandel, (that was a place I used to read about when I was a kid), it was really impressive scenery, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

OK, back to my rant.  I see the HM has finally got round to writing another blog, after 6 months silence.  Still in PDF format though, you would think that the net wizards the school is paying for, would set up a real blog.  Maybe not, that would be far too technical.

As the time separation from the school gets longer, my memories get more and more fuzzy about it.  However, I will never ever forget the events that Mrs. Willsy and I were privileged to be part of at the school, such as the fantastic trip to Portsmouth with the Year 7s, and the day trip to Rome with the Legion.  It’s such a shame that these will never happen again, they could have grown into a real tradition at the school, but as always, the shortsightedness of the management foiled it all.  I believe that the classics department is in the doldrums with the new (old) teacher not being able to hold a candle to Mrs. Willsy.  Well she is a hard act to follow, as her present school keeps telling her, and the HM never seems to know what he’s got ‘till it’s gone, to quote an old song.

Right, back to work.  Keep watching this blog, and you never know, one of these days.....

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