Tuesday 22 March 2011

First Rant

I’m going to try and write something to this blog every day, that is, every day I’m connected to the net.  Unfortunately, we go to our lake house every weekend, and that’s not even got a ‘phone, let alone the internet. (Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, It’s great)  Anyway, here’s my first rant.  I’m never going to mention the name of the school where we last worked, and if asked, I will deny everything, so don’t ask, just try to work it out.  I noticed from a brief visit to the website that the last (and first) blog the headmaster did was back in November 2010, and in pdf format as well.  Come on headmaster, at least do it fairly regularly, and in a proper format, not in that stuffy formal way.  But if that’s your management style, well Rock On…

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